What do Oriental cockroaches look like?
- Size: 1 in.
- Color: Shiny black to dark brown
- Body Structure: Oval-shaped body. Females have a slightly broader body and functionless wing pads. Males have fully-developed wings yet are incapable of flight as well.

Characteristics of Oriental cockroaches
The adult female will lay an egg capsule, which she carries attached to her abdomen for about a day before depositing the capsule near a food source. Females produce around 8 capsules, each containing 16 eggs. The gestation period is approximately 2 months. When eggs hatch, the offspring emerge as nymphs. Depending upon environmental conditions, it can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years for nymphs to develop into mature adults, molting anywhere from 7-10 times during the process.
Oriental cockroaches are slow movers, can barely climb, and few are capable of flying. They are sometimes referred to as “black beetles” because of their coloring.
When are oriental cockroaches most active?
Where are Oriental cockroaches found?
The Oriental cockroach prefers moist, dark areas and is found under porches, in crawlspaces, in sink drains and garbage disposals as well as around sewer drains and pipes. Likewise, they can be found in and around decaying plant and animal life, indoors or out.
What do Oriental cockroaches eat?
Oriental cockroaches will eat most anything they can find and seem to show a preference for garbage. Human food scraps and decaying organic matter are also part of their diet.
Are Oriental cockroaches dangerous?
Considered one of the filthiest cockroaches, Oriental cockroaches are known disease carriers and can spread a number of microorganisms known to cause gastrointestinal distress. Likewise, the Oriental roach releases various secretions from its body. When infestation is high, the secretions result in a distinctive, fetid odor.
Why do I have an Oriental cockroach infestation?
Oriental cockroaches tend to move indoors when the weather is too dry for their comfort level. If they find plenty of moisture and food, they’ll likely stay put.
Another way to develop an Oriental roach problem is to unknowingly carry in these vile pests inside bags, cardboard boxes, and other belongings.
How do I get rid of Oriental cockroaches?
The best way to exterminate cockroaches that have infested your home or business is to hire a pest control company that specializes in cockroach control. At Miller Pest & Termite, we’ve been getting rid of cockroaches since 2001 and are ready to help you eliminate these pests!
How can I prevent an Oriental roach problem?
To prevent an Oriental cockroach problem, our pest control specialists recommend:
- Clean countertops & floor routinely
- Wash dishes every day
- Disinfect trash cans
- Wipe up crumbs and spills as soon as they occur
- Store food in containers or in the refrigerator
- Seal cracks, gaps, and openings on the exterior
- Repair leaky pipes or appliances
- Eliminate moisture problems

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